Food science:
The simplest definition is “the scientific study of foods” this would mean applying the sciences to the study of food, introducing chemistry, engineering, microbiology, epidemiology and molecular biology.
Food science is the discipline in which biology; physical sciences and engineering are used to study of foods, the cause of their deterioration and principles underling food processing.
Food technology is the application of food science section of processing, preservation, packaging, distribution and of safe, nutritious and whole some food.
First we have to know what a food scientist is. A food scientist or food technologist is a person who applies scientific knowledge and technological principles to the study of foods and food components. Either in a research setting (university, industry or government) or a manufacturing setting. In the manufacturing area food scientists concern themselves with analyzing food product quality and safety, creating new products and investigating new manufacturing methods. A food scientist examines the chemistry and biology of foods from raw material through processing to the final product. A food scientist also uses food sciences and other technological know-how to turn raw materials into finished products for the consumer often with the aid of sophisticated equipment.
Food scientists use the laws of science and engineering to produce, process, evaluate, package and distribute foods. They may concentrate on basic research, product, development, quality, control, processing, packaging, labeling, technical sales or market research. Some work in production or technical management; other check on food standards, laws and safety. They also may monitor sanitation, water supply and waste management.
· Food scientists are able to research, analyze and present scientific and technological concepts and data in a precise and manner.
· Food scientists performed functions and operation of the food Industry.
· Food scientists are able to integrate and apply scientific and technological knowledge in the management of operational activities.
· Food scientists are able to adapt professionally in a rapidly changing society.
· Food scientists today are involved in the development of the wide range of fabricated foods and food analogs those challengers’ conventional natural products.
· Food scientists are also studying the production of milk by cows fed minimum synthetic diets and functional properties of this milk.
· Food scientists are working on the production of flavors by specific enzyme systems acting on basic raw material substrates.
· Food scientists are also studying the removal of ions from liquid foods through the combined use of perm selective membranes and electric current.
· Food scientists operate computer controlled automatic bakeries, ice-creams plants, frank further-manufacturing facilities and margarine plants.
· Food scientists maintain and improve the safety, variety and quality of food products for the betterment of human kind.
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